Duratec | Amberley 25M Range Works
Client: Duratec Australia Pty Ltd
Duratec | Amberley 25M Range Works
Pentacon was contracted to refurbish, repair and upgrade the 25M firing range at Amberley Base.
Treat, remove and dispose of contaminated soil from Stop Butt and target trench
Obtain soil disposal permit from the Department of Environment and Science
Demolition, removal and disposal of existing firing mound structure
Fabrication and erection of Firing mound structure including footing construction
Fabricate and install firing posts, target frames and precast panel bracing
Install sacrificial concrete block walls – rear wall sacrificial panels central to each firing lane in Stop Butt area
Construct concrete footing and install ballistic concrete block side walls (3400mm High)
Supply and place sand for Stop Butt and install rubber curtains
Trim and regrade existing gravel roads
Construct new roads and car parking
Provide and install storm water drainage to accommodate existing storm water surface flows through new walls with scour pad at outlet
Erosion and sediment control
Line marking and signage