Duratec | Amberley 25M Range Works

Client: Duratec Australia Pty Ltd

Duratec | Amberley 25M Range Works


Pentacon was contracted to refurbish, repair and upgrade the 25M firing range at Amberley Base.

  • Treat, remove and dispose of contaminated soil from Stop Butt and target trench

  • Obtain soil disposal permit from the Department of Environment and Science

  • Demolition, removal and disposal of existing firing mound structure

  • Fabrication and erection of Firing mound structure including footing construction

  • Fabricate and install firing posts, target frames and precast panel bracing

  • Install sacrificial concrete block walls – rear wall sacrificial panels central to each firing lane in Stop Butt area

  • Construct concrete footing and install ballistic concrete block side walls (3400mm High)

  • Supply and place sand for Stop Butt and install rubber curtains

  • Trim and regrade existing gravel roads

  • Construct new roads and car parking

  • Provide and install storm water drainage to accommodate existing storm water surface flows through new walls with scour pad at outlet

  • Erosion and sediment control

  • Line marking and signage


RAAF Amberley Civil Works


Duratec | Gallipoli Barracks Fire Safety Works