Becon Constructions | BP Logan Civil Works

Client: BECON Constructions, Wayne Hough

Becon Constructions | BP Logan Civil Works


Pentacon was principal contractor & work scope was to complete the civil works associated with the construction of a new BP including motorway offramp and intersection upgrade.

  • Working jointly with mutual stakeholders including DTMR, TransUrban, Brisbane City

  • Council, Head Contractor (BP) and the Client

  • Erosion control

  • Subgrade improvements and subsoil drainage

  • Intersection upgrade including pavement widening and installation of traffic signals

  • Drainage network including culverts and end structures

  • Road construction including pavements, seal, linemarking and regulatory signage

  • Landscaping works

  • Traffic management in accordance with MUTCD Part 3 and contract specific requirements


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