Ipswich City Council | Bridge Replacement Hiddenvale Rd, Calvert
Client: Ipswich City Council
Ipswich City Council | Bridge Replacement Hiddenvale Rd, Calvert
Pentacon is the principal contractor for the construction of the civil and structural bridge works located on Hiddenvale Road, Calvert.
Planning for and implementation of multiple staged traffic management and all requiredtraffic switches
Clearing and grubbing, stripping and stockpiling topsoil
Provision of environmental management plan including water barrier works and erosionand sediment control
Construction of Piling platform within Western Creek
Transport, unloading, storage, pitching and driving or precast concrete piles
All bridge works including substructure and superstructure
FRP package including pier, abutments, bridge kerb, suspended service duct slab,relieving slab etc
Management of bridge rail construction and installation
Certification of crane pad and cranage for placement of precast bridge deck units
Excavation and embankment construction including abutment backfill for relieving slab
Embankment and drainage channel rock protection
Excavation and Installation of culvert base slabs and precast RCBC including headwallstructures
Excavation and installation of RCP drainage structures including headwalls
Subgrade preparation and treatment
Placement, compaction and trimming of unbound pavement layers
Asphalting of bridge deck and bituminous sealing of roadway
Road furniture including all signage, steel beam guardrail and linemarking
Installation of road lighting infrastructure
Landscaping works including lined open drains
Demolition and salvage of the old Hiddenvale Rd Bridge
Independent RPEQ of all completed works