Western Downs Regional Council | Chinchilla Waste & Recycling Centre

Client: Western Downs Regional Council, Gerard Kavney

Western Downs Regional Council | Chinchilla Waste & Recycling Centre


Pentacon was principal contractor & work scope was to complete the construction of civil works associated with the Chinchilla Waste & Recycling Centre.

  • Bulk earthworks including embankments >2m

  • Drainage network including culverts, end structures, roadside gully units, open drains and sedimentation pond

  • Road construction including pavements, kerbing, seal, linemarking and regulatory signage

  • Intersection upgrade (Slessar Street)

  • Traffic management in accordance with MUTCD Part 3


RoadTek (DTMR) | Aerodrome Road Intersection Upgrade


Southern Downs Regional Council | Stanthorpe Waste Transfer Station