Energy QLD | Emerald Pole Yard Upgrade
Client: Energy Queensland Limited
Energy QLD | Emerald Pole Yard Upgrade
Pentacon was principal contractor & work scope was to upgrade the entry of energy Queensland Pole Yard in Emerald.
Site management, community liaison, environmental and erosion management, safety and quality management, traffic management
Bulk earthworks including stripping topsoil, cut and shape stormwater open drain, including placement of geofabric and rock
Demolish and remove existing driveway, gate and fence structures
Supply, place, compact and trim hardstand gravel, cement treated base, subbase gravel
Construct concrete driveway
Saw-cut existing bitumen road to neatly tie-in new driveway
Landscaping works including spreading and profiling topsoil over detention basin, stockpile area and drain batters, supply and spray hydromulch, supply and spread grass seed and fertiliser
Supply and install new gate and fence