City of Moreton Bay | Kippa-Ring, Klinger Road & Boardman Road Intersection Upgrade

Client: Moreton Bay Regional Council

City of Moreton Bay | Kippa-ring, Klinger Road & Boardman Road Intersection Upgrade


Pentacon acted as the principal contractor for the Klinger Road and Boardman Road intersection upgrade.

  • Coordination with external stakeholders (gas, water and electricity service providers) toenable upgrade of all services in the intersection

  • Signalising the roundabout

  • Road widening to intersection approaches including additional lanes

  • Construction of a raised and landscaped median and verges on intersection approaches

  • Drainage improvements including a large built for purpose pit

  • Concrete pathways on both sides, cycle lanes on both sides

  • Identification and provision of current and future public transport needs

  • Demolition of functioning two way roundabout, whilst under normal daily traffic loads

  • Implementation of complex TGS, often changing daily, including contraflow traffic

  • Improved street lighting


Mackay Regional Council | Culvert Replacement Package


Sterling & Wilson | Kogan Intersection & 16 Mile Hall Road Upgrade