BMA | TSF2 Remediation Construction

Client: BHP Billiton Mitsubishi alliance

BMA | TSF2 Remediation Construction Saraji Mine


Pentacon as the engaged principal contractor constructed the stabilisation of significant scouring to the spillway embankment, formalising and protecting the existing outlet and construction of heavy duty pavement for plant and vehicle access to the adjacent haul road.


Project Overview

  • Remediation of significant scouring

  • Remediation of existing access roads and installation of new access roads with required bunding

  • Creating 3:1 batters from existing edges

  • Redirect water flow back to dam

  • Construct safety berm around crest

Special Features

  • Subgrade prep: 10,000m3

  • Cut to Fill: 21,000m3

  • Cut to Spoil: 41,000m3

  • Construct Safety Berms: 800m3


BMA | Ramp 6 Spillway Remediation Saraji Mine