Fatroy | 181 Kellys Road Greenmount Subdivision

Client: Fatroy Pty Ltd

Fatroy | 181 Kellys Road Greenmount Subdivision


Pentacon was principal contractor & work scope was to complete the civil works for a 9-lot residential subdivision.

  • Site management, community liaison, environmental and erosion management, safety and quality management, traffic management

  • Bulk earthworks including clearing and grubbing, stripping and stockpiling topsoil, total cut and fill, final trim to footpaths and allotments, topsoil/turf to inter-allotment diversion drains

  • Roadworks including subgrade preparation, pavements, asphalt

  • Kerb & Channel

  • Subsoil drains including flush points and outlets to pits

  • Turf to road reserve

  • Supply and install stormwater drainage

  • Construct concrete footpaths and driveways

  • Water reticulation - construct complete water system

  • Sewer reticulation - construct complete sewer system

  • Removal of boulders

  • Electrical road crossings

  • Removal of trees


Paragon | Settlers Rise - Stage 4 Civil Works


Paragon | Dutton Street Earthworks and Drainage