Paragon | Settlers Rise - Stage 4 Civil Works

Client: Paragon Consulting Engineers Pty Ltd

Paragon | Settlers Rise - Stage 4 Civil Works


Pentacon acted as the principal contractor for the residential subdivision project at Erakala.


We were responsible for the construction of both an external intersection and an internal roundabout.

  • Ground Preparation - This encompassed various tasks such as earthworks, roadworks,stormwater drainage setup, and water reticulation.

  • Site Management - We undertook management duties, including adherence toenvironmental standards, erosion control, safety protocols, quality assurance, and trafficregulation and safe delivery of 45,000m3 of rock blasting.

  • Topsoil Stripping - The top layer of soil was stripped to pave the way for furtherconstruction activities.

  • Earthworks - We engaged in cut-to-fill and cut-to-stockpile operations to shape the siteaccording to design specifications.

  • Excavation and Disposal - We were responsible for removing and disposing ofunsuitable material found during excavations, including rock and verge removal.

  • Blasting - Where necessary, we performed controlled blasting operations to break downlarger rocks and clear the way for construction.

  • Subgrade Trimming and Compaction - The subgrade was carefully trimmed andcompacted to provide a strong base.

  • Access Road Construction - We managed all facets of access road pavement works fromsubbase and lower subbase supply, loading, spreading, to compaction.

  • Bitumen and Asphalt Works - Application of bitumen and asphalt to finish the roads.

  • Turf Laying - We provided and laid turf to create natural green spaces within theresidential area.

  • Landscaping and Retaining Wall Features - All landscaping work was done to enhancethe visual appeal of the area, along with the construction of functional retaining wallfeatures of sone facia and rendering.

  • In brief, Pentacon facilitated a wide range of operations for the Erakala residentialdevelopment project.


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